Reiki Healing
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that enhances physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health by bringing positive energy to where the body needs it. Reiki supplies this additional energy which the body can use for healing itself. As a complementary therapy Reiki can improve the results of medical treatments including those for infertility and cancer by reducing pain and stress, shortening healing time, and creating optimism.
Reiki is carried out with the client clothed and usually lying down. I put my hands on specific areas of the body called chakras which are the ‘doorways’ into the energy system, bringing positive energy through her and to the client. Sometimes a feeling of heat is felt but it is not necessary for the healing. In fact it is not necessary to participate at all as is seen when working with animals for the healing to work. The experience is unique for everyone and will vary from session to session.
Reiki is a powerful natural therapy that helps to restore balance and health, boost the body’s immune system and relieve stress. Stress from any area in ones life is the main cause of most of our problems and this healing, relaxing technique is a very gentle healing therapy.
Reiki replaces energy used up in everyday life so when feeling exhausted or drained, the resulting imbalance can be corrected promoting a general feeling of relaxation and well being. Reiki can ease the passing of the terminally ill and relieve the pain of bereavement with my human and pet clients.