Janie’s Blog

Pet Bereavement

Sometimes clients have been suffering the loss of beloved pets for many years and sometimes it is quite new. Whichever the case, only a few specific Reiki sessions can allow clients to be at peace with the sadness and loss of their pet. It is important to note that we...

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Working from Home

My client a businessman who has been seeing me for work related stress told me a very clever saying which I share here now.  “In the beginning I worked from home, at the end I lived in the office.” Now this may not be his idea but whoever first said this sums up a lot...

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Invest in Yourself

One of my clients was talking to me last night after a treatment about the benefits of Reiki and how she liked to come to me and she told me that she had felt that she had "to invest in myself".This struck me as being such good sense that in case I forgot it, I wrote...

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The Journal of the Complementary Medical Association

In the winter 20009/2010 edition of the Journal of the Complementary Medical Association, an article has commented on a new review by Dr Shamini Jain (UCLA), Dr Paul Mills (UCC) and the Moores Comprehensive Cancer Centre (San Diego) which has been published in...

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‘Avatar’ and “borrowed energy”

Yesterday I saw the film 'Avatar'. It was sensational to watch especially in 3D and on a massive screen. The story line was a little thin but I liked it very much nevertheless. One line that made me take notice at the time and has stayed with me since, is that the...

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Interview on ChiswickLife TV

Well, the lovely people at Chiswick Life TV, the online local news site, offered me the chance to talk about what I do and so I did. After an unrestful night it actually all went quite well. Twenty minutes were cut down to three and only they know what the other 17...

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Refer a Friend

To my wonderful Clients
 I have recently moved to a new home, just nine streets away, and I now have a dedicated Reiki room.
 This enables me to help more people be the best they can be. Yeah! I would like to thank everyone with this new loyalty card. For every new...

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Kind Words from Keith Butt at Keynance Veterinary Clinic

Keith Butt VetMB cantab "There are times as a vet when you are treating a sick animal that you feel you want a miracle, not necessarily a cure but a type of reassurance both for the animal and the owner. This can even be done within the security of home by Janie...

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What I believe that my clients do not have to!

My belief is that when we are born we are given 100% positive energy that is all around us and little by little this is chipped away leaving us with negative energy. This negative energy leads us to be stressed mentally, emotionally and physically. I believe that with...

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Remote Reiki Healing

Dear Clients I hope you are safe and well. I've had requests to offer remote Reiki healing during these unsettling times. I have now a suitable way to offer sessions by phone or WhatsApp. Please contact me for details and to schedule your appointment. Warm regards,...

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